Relic Hunted 2016-07-23

2nd Novel in the Crax War Chronicles

  1. TWErvin2
    Member's Book Title::
    Relic Hunted
    Terry W. Ervin II
    ISBN #::
    Intelligence picks up Security Specialist Keesay’s contract, hoping to direct the Relic’s tenacity and skills against his nemesis, the Capital Galactic Investment Group. But the rogue corporation has its own plans concerning Keesay: a bounty on the security specialist’s head.

    Time is running out for mankind, with the Crax striking deep into human territory, targeting colonies on Pluto and Io. Keesay knows whatever plans others might have, fighting the Crax is more important than blending in, or looking over his shoulder.

    Stepping forward, Keesay accompanies Special Agents Guymin and Vingee on their mission to rescue key prisoners taken by Capital Galactic, before they’re handed over to the Crax. In doing so, Keesay pits his shotgun and brass knuckles, his daring and mysterious connection to the rat-like Chicher, against anyone that gets in his way.

    Never underestimate a Relic.

    Gryphonwood Press
    Alan Aspie likes this.
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