WeeklyTales.com is a place for people to come together and share their story. Each week a new topic will be chosen and we encourage you to write about the topic and how it affects you personally.
Users of the website can do the following:
Users are encouraged to vote on topics and help come up with topic ideas. Topics will pertain to politics, religion, health, humor, education, employment, and anything else that the users can come up with. This is a forum to learn, be understood, and spread ideas.
- Vote on weekly topics
- Suggest weekly topics
- Write a story about the weekly topic
- Share their story on social media
- Share other people's stories on social media
- Share the topic of the week on social media
- Comment on stories
- "like" stories
- Follow your favorite author on the site
WeeklyTales-A place to share your story
Share your personal story about our weekly topic which is picked by users.