Writing Guides

Various articles with tips to improve your stories and characters in development

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  1. Andrae Smith
    I've had a story in mind that involves a superhero, and in my research on how to tell such particularly visual characters and stories with words, I stumbled across this website, which is loaded with article and tips for developing better characters, plotting and pacing stories, and (hopefully) changing the way we think about writing and development. It has a bit of a focus on creating better superheroes; however, much of the advice is general, and the advice geared for superheroes and superhero stories translates well to other genres.

    The biggest benefit of this site is that it has at least made me think about things I hadn't yet considered. The best way to get the most out of this website is to just start clicking links and exploring. Even the links on the side can be pretty useful. Most of the advice is in the development and planning stages of writing because the website is directed to both comic book writers and novelists. The site will probably be the most beneficial to beginning writers, and those who are still somewhat new, but I thought it would make a good resource.

    In essence, this site is all about better storytelling.

    This is the link to the main writing guides:
    From here you can navigate through numerous articles at your leisure.

    This is the link to Superhero writing advice:
    Here you will find tips on how to create better superhero stories

    EXPLORE and enjoy!
    A.M.P. likes this.

Recent Reviews

  1. Simpson17866
    I wish I'd known about this site when I was writing my Sci-fi story, but I will absolutely use it for fleshing out my new Urban Fantasy WIP
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