Rules and Story Synopsis My story is a sci-fi fantasy adventure series about two teenagers who get sent into the realm of dreams. The nightmare...
Hello All, I am writing my first draft of my book. I haven't outlined or properly planned how the story will end. The story has developed really...
Hello dear writers, I am planning on a novel right now and I currently have a beginning and an ending. What I need now is a main part that...
First, I just want to say hello to everyone still here from a couple years ago. Love this community and I'm very glad to be back after some tough...
So I have been fleshing out a plot for a story I want to write eventually, but I'm having trouble with an ending that will fit the story and be...
I have the worst struggle when it comes to writing my stories. I can always bust out the first few chapters and they are hook, line, and sink. But...
So, I have a lot of stories. And I find the ending to this one interesting. I wonder if anyone here would disagree with his reasoning. Or what you...
Hi, this is my first post so I am a bit of nervous... So anyways I have started to write a story but due to some restrictions my protagonist...
Hello everyone, I've been trying to plan this story for a week, but have spent most of the time pondering over the goal and motive of the...
Hello, Long story short; I need help and would GREATLY appreciate ANY suggestions or bits of inspiration! So, I've been writing a children's...
I have been having much doubt about a WIP. The epilogue of it, is kind of cheesy. I am wondering if in context this is bad. Without giving much...
I am in the process of outlining a novel; The King of Maggots (KM for short). KM is centered on Vladislav Tepes, IV, the illegitimate son of...
I'm wondering if anyone has ideas on how to kill the MC at the end of the book without making it sappy, uninspiring, or, well, dumb. Because my...
There is a point in my current WIP where my characters have to travel somewhere to do something :cool:. If you are curious, it is a medieval...
Hey everybody, Not only am I new to this forum and website, but I am new to writing! I just recently discovered that I have a bit of a talent...
I wrote a short story where I was told the ending was fairly predictable. It wasn't my first choice in ending but I thought since my goal is to...
I'm writing a novelette/novella but I've having some plot issues. This is the synopsis of the story: USSR, 1963, a self-trained pilot and forge...
Hi guys Its a short story, about, a girl living alone in a rotten apartment, how she got there and why we leave to the reader, she is shopping,...
Prologue: My friends and I came up with a card game that involved 3 players, or factions. Each side had specific, well-balanced traits that...
Separate names with a comma.