AKA "Fair Dealing." https://boingboing.net/2019/06/03/peace-order-good-govt.html
Some here may be interested in this case: https://boingboing.net/2019/03/14/fair-use-vs-seuss.html
Hello there! I'm new to this site but not new to writing workshops in general. I'm a fan of giving critiques and I like that this site has a...
I've read a few posts on here and it came to my attention that I might be over-describing my characters' physical attributes. I don't go insanely...
Hi everyone - first time here. summarising and paraphrasing - I need some clarification on what is considered `fair use` for my book. I`m...
I'm in the midst of writing a short story revolving around a young boy who mistakes a monster for a character from the DC universe. I'm curious...
Separate names with a comma.