I remembered this news story from a few years ago today and it seemed like something that could get the creative juices going. On Friday 13th...
Hellò I'am new of this forum, and I start to write and read my story in a Patreon channel. I hope to publish soon on this community too. Kisses Simona
In my WIP, the colloquial equivalent of "what the hell" would be "what the Depths," referring to a specific location: the Muddy Depths. I know...
I'll tell you who, ME! One of the protagonists in my WIP, Rosemarie... has a charcoal grey cat that I thought I'd given a rather unique name, that...
I just accidentally pasted over my final chapter in Scrivener and I can find an 'undo' button. For the love of God, someone tell me there is a way...
What inspires you to spend your free time putting words together on a word processing software like it's your job?
" Hell has been unleashed on earth and you are the key to stopping the horrible consequences. What do you do to reverse the problem and what was...
Edit: pardon my spelling typo :redface: I've started with a prologue for my recent WIP, though I had no intention of doing so originally. The...
I am very excited about having the opportunity to communicate with a group of people who have similar interest. I have very little writing...
Hey folks, it has been a long time since i used a forum to show of bits of my writing, or to read the work of other people, was something i used...
Hi, I'm new to this forum although i have already posted one or two things, never noticed this section. I'm into short stories, I hope to learn...
I'm a new member. I have been writing health and fitness articles since 2006. Currently I'm working on a new novel about Football coaches.
Hi everyone, I have just joined this site to try to improve my writing skills and to get some feedback for the stories and poems I have written...
Okay, I want to make this an interesting discussion: How do you make a character likable or interesting... Most textbook hacks just say make...
So what's the big deal about "Literary genre stories?" I've read a bunch of them, and they all seem to carry a boring tone throughout. Perhaps...
So, I barely ever have any problems with my signature. Look at it now. LOOK AT IT. See how many lines it has? See its clever use of centred text,...
I'm new, what's up? I like to write scifi and I'm a huge history dork. This seems like a legit place. :D
I am Ed. I just joined to look for writers that want to have fun. I have a website called NewWorldOrderSatire.com. You can take a try at...
What's up all.
im just intrducing myself i like writing novels in sci fi and fantasy genres
Separate names with a comma.