Hello there! I'm new to this site but not new to writing workshops in general. I'm a fan of giving critiques and I like that this site has a...
I live in cowboy-land, so I reserve the right to say "howdy" whenever applicable. :D But anyway . . . introductions . . . right. Okay. What...
Recently I've decided to get down and work on one of the larger background stories that have been clamoring for attention- and with a cast of...
I thought about this and i wanted to see how readers/writers enjoy a universe and what it takes for them to engross in it. I myself likes...
Hello everyone. Monshala, you ask? What does it mean? Well, it is a character name that just seemed to stick. I wanted to join a few forums to...
Greetings inmates. What you don't think life's a prison, it is. You are some alien deity somewhere that had your powers suspended, memories...
Hey everybody, Not only am I new to this forum and website, but I am new to writing! I just recently discovered that I have a bit of a talent...
I have three characters that need completed introductions; Jenn, Lynn, and Ashe. Provided is a chapter title and a few sentences for inspiration....
What, for you, are the more "important" aspects of fiction? What makes a work stand out in your mind as "the best"? Where did that work put its...
I enjoy writing and therefore whenever I write poetry or stories I find myself inventing new words and expressions. this one of the words I have...
Okay so i have been writing now for a few years. I enjoy it a lot and there are so many things about it career wise that suit me but there is one...
Pardon the inconvenience. Replacement Links under construction. What you want is right here: NEW MEMBER QUICK START GUIDE
“Narrators in the objective point of view refer to characters in the third person and display omniscient knowledge of places, times and events....
Okay, so i am AttachedToTheC4. My first name is actually Josh or Joshua, use whichever suits you or if you don't feel like typing my username you...
I am wondering if the type of novel i wish to write might be more suitable for self publishing vice traditional publishing. I want to write...
Hehe, sorry. I couldn't think of a good title, so I went with something not so related but sounding good. :p Well then, where were we? Hello,...
Okay, I know some writers who just plot out their book as detailed as possible... others who just let it happen as it happens. What kind of writer...
What is your opinion on graphic writing? Be it sex or intense violence, is there a line you like to draw? I tend to make scenes as graphic as...
Hello, my normal username is superpotroast or SPR for short.. That doesn't mean that I'm abnormally obsessed with Pot-Roast or anything like...
Hey folks, it has been a long time since i used a forum to show of bits of my writing, or to read the work of other people, was something i used...
Separate names with a comma.