Hi, I plan to write a book on the band Oasis and one of their tours in the late 1990s. The members who were on the tour are all still alive....
Doing a google search for my title I came upon a site offering downloads of it for 12$. Further down the page it was noted that 915 readers had...
I am relatively new to creative writing, so please bear with me. The story I'm writing has text from a 17th century book inserted verbatim within...
So this is my dilemma... My first "serious" short story was rejected at the first handful of paying magazines/e-zines, so I decided to submit to a...
Hi everyone - first time here. summarising and paraphrasing - I need some clarification on what is considered `fair use` for my book. I`m...
Let's say I'm writing a story I intend to turn into a novel and publish. Now let's say I know some song lyrics that would be perfect to quote in...
Hi Guys, I have recently revamped my yacht charter website and wrote the content myself. I wondered if someone would be kind and check my...
If I use a Dana Carvey line from the Church Lady character, "Well, isn't that special," as well as Rodney Dangerfield's, "I get no respect,"...
Hi. I've created a profile, critiqued three scripts but can't post my script to the forum. I get an error: kimCady, you do not have permission...
Separate names with a comma.