It was the tail he prided himself on the most. Wherein I want to imply that the tail is the attribute of which he is most proud.
Sometimes, for certain purposes, we need to say same thing in different ways, or one thing in a specific kind of way. But I always have trouble...
Some people here have said that, in order for me to write rhythmically, I should write plainly to get my point across first, and then dress it up....
Hi there! My sentence so far is as follows: "Anticipation washes over him in waves, _____ with peaks of excitement." What I want to say is that...
Please clarify if the following sentence is correct or not: Pulling himself to his feet, he staggered toward her sprawled form. As I sit and...
Hello writers. I'm annoyed with myself. Thankfully, the internet is full of lists like "other ways to say 'said'" and the like, but that doesn't...
Is it acceptible to say something like this: With a scoff, she searched their faces. The computer activated with a brief whir. He looked up...
Separate names with a comma.