Dark Geopolitical Sci-Fi, Near Future Horror and Alternative History. A Vision of Earth flash fiction and short stories that I am compiling into...
War Theatre In the year 4014, mass war simulation has become an international sport, with the players becoming soldiers, seamen and aviators...
Hi, Ok, I've been poking my head in and out of this forum for some time, never quite signing up as I always question if I am, or even aim to be...
First off I wanted to introduce myself. I found this forum by using a search engine to find a writing form focused around science fiction. I...
Hi all, As noted, I have been writing for some 2/3 years now, more in the academic world. Now with some free time on my hands, I am trying to hold...
Hey writing gang. Just checking in to ask a simple question. What's the most unique scifi setting you've ever come up with? This is a genre thick...
I'm trying to find a better name for a group of unwanted genetic kids (living in an orphanage basically). Currently using "Marked Kids" but think...
Hey writing gang! Looking for some tips here with a WIP I plan to return to after a VERY long time of not touching it. It's a scifi story with a...
Hello all! I am 24 year old who has been drawing and writing for as long as I can remember. I have a strong love of biology, astronomy, art, and...
Hello and thank you for taking the time to review this post. I look very forward to any assistance with world building. I apologize for the...
For this, I need opinions. Working on an anthology set within a specific setting, most people travel across lands by use of portals. And due the...
I'm in the process of world building for a novel but am struggling to create a beleivable motive for the antagonist. In this case it's the...
i want to write a story about an alien princess but I need some advice on the story. So far it's this: an alien princess gains the help of a human...
Are there fantasy stories where magic is nothing but a highly-advanced technology? And would this blur the line between fantasy and science fiction?
I feel like any time I need help, it's a really sensitive subject. I'll try to keep this one short. Scifi story, sometimes pokes fun at old pulp...
Anyone know a sci-fi universe where the plot revolves around spiritual or psionic forces? Simply *having* them doesn't count, the story has to...
I am so bad at naming things. This is for my scifi again. Setting isn't dystopian, but, because we've successfully colonized several planets,...
My scifi has to deal with development of terraforming, and I want to name the Project after a philosopher. Is there a philosopher or writer who...
My WIP involves reencarnations, Atlantis, and the idea that aliens helped Atlantis develop technologically. The scifi elements are pretty subdued...
They may have survived their initial training, but things aren't about to get any easier for Milo, Liberty, and the rest of the squad, who are now...
Separate names with a comma.