In this hypothetical novel, our protagonist befriends a mysterious old man in his late 90s. The old man is an elusive hermit and rarely leaves his...
At present, I mostly write short stories. Back when I was a lad, I read something about writing short stories which said that a good short story...
My story doesn't really have a lot of ground breaking revelations at the end. The main character ends up dying, but that was somewhat inevitable...
For anyone new here, all my characters are dragons. So I have a fair amount of intrigue going on in my WIP. Zarakharn, the emperor (main...
Okay, so I'm writing this side-story which serves as a supplement to my main one. I'm writing this to get a feel for one of my characters, who...
I'll try to sum it up: Main character: beautiful girl who's loving father out of the blue became depressed and very agressive after something...
Firstly, this contains huge, massive giant huuuuuuge SPOILERS for The Archangel so if any of you have seen any chapters in the workshop or wanted...
Hello all, I'm new here but have been reading the forums for a few days. I was hoping to get some advice from some of you? I'm currently writing...
As I've made clear elsewhere, I'm writing my current WiP in close 3rd, single POV. Quite by accident I hit upon a slight problem with a major...
I have a short story about a scammer who has the tables turned on her. Any ideas for a title? Here are a few I've thought of, but don't really...
[summarized in chronological order] Pre-beginning -In my story, a thief named Daktarash is approached by a mysterious character. This dragon...
I'm trying to write a short story for a certain market, and it needs to be really punchy and twisty and keep readers coming back for more (the...
I'm writing a story (alternate world) about a boy who tries to help free a girl from a slave trade. After fleeing to his town to hide, the two...
So, the twist goes like this - the whole world thinks Guy A is the answer to the world's problems (a particular war) and basically 3 groups of...
For about two or three months now I have been planning out a story line. I am basically an ancient Egypt geek and have always wanted to write...
So I've been working on a story for a few months, now, but I'm a bit conflicted about how I'm handling it. Basically, the story starts off kind...
I'm still in the earliest stages of planning a trilogy, and, throughout each book, my MC reveals the players of the game. The last person in need...
I hatched an idea a few days ago and it is a dystopian setting. You know, dictators, failing countries, catastrophes....The usual. My...
I have started writing a story (hopefully a novel) and have had the plot in my mind as to what I want to happen. I originally planned the plot...
Has anybody read this book yet? It is by Laini Taylor, and it puts an odd twist on the idea of a 'tooth fairy' and I was just wondering if anybody...
Separate names with a comma.