This forum! I can waste hours here when I should be writing Seriously, though, a lot if things are detrimental, so writing is a struggle against all the distractions. Still worth the effort, though.
#1 lack of good grammar for native english speakers/poor knowledge of english for those to whom it is not their birth tongue...
Ha! I should give writing sober a shot. Right now, I write drunk and edit drunk. Maybe that's why my stuff never gets accepted for publication.
mammammaia, what I questioned was something generally. I didn't mean writing in English but writing in every language
Hey mans, where are you from? Also, what hurts my writing is noise and people hovering and basically just stress.
Lack of confidence, lack of discipline, lack of patience and persistence. Writing has a lot to do with your personal character, basically.
the same thing applies regardless of the language, mans... you can substitute any language for 'english' in my comment and it's just as valid, is it not?...
Writer attachment and writer obstinacy... If you can' detach from what you've written to edit it properly, it won't do very well. If you are unwilling to take advice or critique, you'll be limited to your own limited opinion. Another good one is over-investment in emotions or even wish fulfillment-- especially wish fulfillment. Writers who pour their emotions into every sentence are pleasing no one but themselves. The same is true for writers who are trying to live vicariously through their protagonists.
A grieving period, whether I wanted it or not, I just couldn't write these past couple of weeks, but I'm starting to come out of it. I just need some more time before I stop feeling so depressed.
Distractions, if I could isolate myself from the internet aka sit in a cafe I would but no laptop plus feeling like a pretentious moron impedes that.
Video games. Maybe good for imagination (depends on the game, Bioshock is an excellent food for thoughts and imagination), but not for writing. And definitely not good for a student.
It's bad in boxing and it's bad in writing: target fixation. You are so set on a certain outcome (be it the ending of the story or a scene or the end of a character's development arc) that you twist the story / plot, force the characters into doing uncharacteristic things (throwing psychological plausibility out the window) etc. just to get the desired outcome. That often produces inconsistent behavior in characters, plot holes, and stupid resolutions that leave the reader asking "why didn't they just have the eagles drop the ring into Mt. Doom?"
Even though there's an answer to that question, it always makes me smile. It's awesome how someone's story can have an impact and influence on the whole world.