I have been tinkering around with a story idea for a while, writing different scenes, all the works. But what I've found that the third person isn't working for me. It seems clunky, awkward, and I just don't like it. What I am thinking about doing is writing this "love found, love lost" story in the first person, more specifically through the hero's eyes. Would anyone be interested in a story like this, told by a male? I think that often the man's side of things is brushed aside in this genre, so writing this greatly interests me. I just have no idea if that is even "acceptable". Thoughts?
"Acceptable" to whom? A potential audience? Like so many other ideas, it's going to depend on how the finished piece reads. The idea itself is fine; how you write it makes the difference. So do it. Have fun with it.
Just write it. Whether it is accepted has little if anything to do with the concept. It is how well you present it. Don't ask for opinions on a concept. It's a waste of time for everyone involved. Writers don't ask permission for what they are about to write. The best ones don't ask for forgiveness either.