Hi, i'm Viridian. I've spent the past week reading the extremely helpful information on this forum and thought it time to introduce myself. I'm a new writer, new in that I've never completed/published anything. However I have been writing on and off for about 7 years now for my own personal pleasure. Writing a book has always been my dream but I never had the confidence to do it. It was my lovely husband that urged me to give it a try, "what harm can it do". I already had an idea for a story that was bouncing around in my head from a personal experience when I was a child, so that's where I started. I've done lots of research, written pages and pages, scrapped them and started again many times over. I've put this down to gaining experience and feel that I have definitely grown and improved because of it. Before I start waffling and my 'brief' introduction turns into a long drawn out one I will close by saying "hello" and thank you for all the excellent tips I have already absorbed. I look forward to sharing.
Hi Viridian! Welcome. Sounds like you'll fit right in. I love the verb 'waffling'. Here's our New Member Guide to get you started. See you around! -Kat