okay, I've come up with my basic premise of my book, and am on the fourth chapter of the first draft. This first question isn't really research, more of presentation, but anyhows, do you write the first draft all on one document or in different documents for each chapter, and then merge them into one document later? Question Number Two. How realistic would it be, (Well, in a world without-adult realistic anyway), To go into an abandoned Go-Karting Centre due to there being no adults and take a couple of Go-Karts, and how long would the batteries and whatever fuel they use for the Go-Karts last? Thanks in advance. Merlin Out.
I write mine in all one word document...Though writing it separate is a smart idea but the copy and pasting time will be hell xD Sorry, I don't know the answer to the other question..
Haha.. Well... one of my books I'm doing as separate chapters. The other book I was doing as separate chapters but because of the type of novel it is/how I'm doing it it was suggested to me that perhaps it may work better for me to not worry about breaking it up into chapters until after I'm done and I can find the natural chapter breaks. Seems that was quite insightful for that WIP as it's working much better, so I'm doing it that way now. Go Kart question... I have one and I don't know the answer, lol. It was given to my kids and I'm working on getting it running. It's not there yet
1. I do it all in one document. Some do it differently. Do what works for you - it doesn't matter. 2. I don't know, but I bet if you search for go-karts online you can find out how much gas they hold and how far they'll go on a tank.
1. I write each chapter as a separate document. I found this makes it easier if I need to look at two different points in the story at the same time. 2. Sorry, I know nothing about go karts, except that they go go go!
I normally have all my chapters build on the same document. On the second draft, I do the same thing. I never actually thought about seperating the chatpers into different documents before. However, when I'm writing in the planning stage, I don't put the planning stage and first draft in the same document. The planning stage is just my guiding principle, so that I don't have to guess what my story is going to be about. As far as the second question goes, I'm not sure if I can answer that question about the adults and the go-kart situation. Sorry, I know noting about go karts.
do what's best for you, not anyone else... google for 'go-kart battery life' and 'how long is gas usable in a vehicle tank?'