Im new here. So I have a few Questions Who is the Administrator in charge? Who is senior/global/chief Moderator? Who are the Moderators? And what Threads do they Moderate? Whats a reviewer and how do you become a reviewer? I can give good reviews I have on other forums if thats what a reviewer does. I am also a local Moderator on and a global Moderator on 40konline.
1. LPSpider, site owner, is the closest thing we have to an admin. 2. Hulls Raven, as far as I can tell, is the sorta-kinda-maybe-ish leader of the mods. 3. There are lots of mods: IndianaJoan, Ferret, Whispwillow, Kit603, ItalianStallion, and more, I'm pretty sure. 4. The forum, in general. 5. A reviewer is someone who is kind of the Ebert and Roeper of the critiquing biz on this forum. They are the ones marked in green, like Onoria Westhrop or Torana. 6. You send links to three reviews you have done on this site to one of the staff, and if they think you've done a bang-up, jolly-good, bloody-well-right, excellent, super-de-duper, and-lots-of-other-things-with-hyphens job, I guess you're in. 7. To answer the unspoken question: Psst. Sucking up doesn't help. A little bit of bribery does, though. *flashes bank card*
There are also a lot of other people who give good reviews, but do it on the sly. Torana and Onoria [there may be more reviewers I haven't seen around in a while] do a very admirable job, but there are other members who rip pieces apart without the green name, and on a pretty consistant basis.
Im a Mod but I have been away a while. I'm back and I'm hoping to read some stuff people have posted. I particularly like a good thriller and horror shorts, so if you guys want someone to read somethin you wrote..gimme a holler