There once was talk of making a Discord server, but it never (officially) kicked off as Discord can be quite the free for all.
I don't see the need. This is almost a chat...people respond to threads they like and have a "discussion".
Good points, but apart from the usual discussions in the forums, it would be nice, in the chat rooms, to have friendly, casual conversations with the same people that you engage in discussions with in the forums. The idea of chat rooms is still something worth considering.
We have discussed opening a public Discord server, but so far we've decided against it. Partly because we don't see a big need for it, and partly because moderation of live chats is a massive thing (we would need a second mod team just for that).
Considering how out of hand and sometimes ugly things get in some threads, live chats would be a really bad idea.
My understanding is that the have several irc channels for live chat. Though that may have changed over the years.
I think this board is kind of live chat room with textual chatting, talking and discussing. All these happen. About actual live talking.. It might be most beneficial if participants already had some kind of contact (privamail, mutual talking in board...) and common interests. What about some kind of "I'm open to PM/skype/calling..." subforum where anyone can tell if they are open to some discussion via more personal routes? That would not increase the loud moderaptors have much. It would give possibilities to networking and co-operation. Or maybe a little change in board culture would do the same? If there is real need, that kind of side contacting will sure happen - or will it?