Hope you guys don't mind me mentioning this. I mean no harm. lol. It just bugs me when I read someone's snarky comment about someone else's mistake, when said snarky comment contains a special mistake of its very own. rolleyes Pointing out mistakes is fine, but there's never any need to be a clever-dick about it. Nobody's perfect. Rite?
We're only human. We tend to pick on the flaws of others, yet not recognize our own flaws. I'm sure I just made an error in this post...
Heh, funny you should mention that. I was just reading Failbook (a collections of some of the dumbest (and supposedly real) things people have said on Facebook) when I read this: Amanda: "Honestly, before you talk about me you need to look at yourself. Ps: Your outfit today was horrible." Jessica: "UMM before you post stuped things talking s**t on facebook you need to learn to spell correcion: *you're" Amanda: "Lol, oh sorry, let me *correct myself. *You are outfit was horrible. Does that make sense? Moron."
We have a Not Happy thread, and strongly urge people to limit grips and peeves to it. Otherwise, gripe threads grow like weeds and poison the Lounge with negativity. I've let this remain open until now, but I think it has had sufficient time to run its course.