Hello I am seventeen years old, and would love to begin publishing my works as it has been a dream since I was a little boy. I am a person who would love to publish novels and I would like to know what type of novel I should publish first. Tips will be most appreciated.
what do you mean what type you should publish first? Do you have several of them lying around? Do you plan on self publishing them?
ditto those questions... as for what 'type' [called 'genre' in the writing biz] of novel you should TRY to publish first [you can't just 'publish' anything unless you pay to self-publish, as noted above], you should write whatever genre you can write best and most want to write...
Yeah. Write a book that you want to read. Hopefully that way someone else will too. Trying to aim at a best sellign market is only going to fail unless you enjoy that genre anyway. Also it's going to be a long time before your book is on bookshelves, by then the market will doubtless have changed.
Find your voice. It will probably lie in the types of material you most like to read/watch/daydream, but it's worth your time to explore other avenues as well. Read, read, read. Voraciously. In as many genres as you can. Pay attention to how the authors communicate the story. While you are at it, think about how well the author succeeds for you, and why or why not, on a scene-by-scene basis. Most important - nurture your patience. It's a long road from "I want to write" to "My book was accepted for publication!" Enjoy the journey, and treasure all the lessons it bestows along the way.
Do you write at the moment? (if you made it clear in your post then forgive me, I couldn't work out whether you meant you had already written your novel) If not, then you need to start by writing, write as much as you can, and read as well, become a brilliant author before you think of publishing. (I'm a long way from that stage myself) If you feel you are ready (and seventeen seems quite young. I am that age, and I wouldn't be confident about going for publishing yet, not for a while) then I'd say read as much advice as you can about the business. This forum is a great starting point, I've learnt loads, but there are also some excellent videos on Video Jug that you might like to look at.