Hoping someone can give me a hand xxx writing a story that I was planning on setting in France during the NAZI occupation about a Private Detective, sort of like Philip Kerr's 'Gunther' series but after a little research Im thinking the story might work better in Poland. Both historical elements interest me as do both country settings.....I guess what I'm asking is as a reader, would you be more interested in reading about Nazi occupied France, or Poland?
well if you wrote the france one everyone could be retreating from your MC and if you wrote the Poland one they could all be surrendering...
I would say France, but like Elgaisma, I would be reading everything in absurd accents! However, if you did it very differently, this wouldn't be a problem. It might even be a positive - you just need to stamp your own mark on it as early as possible, using Allo Allo as a kind of stepladder, bypassing formal description. Thanks to the sitcom, nearly everyone can picture a cafe in Nazi occupied France - you do not need to illustrate the baguettes. You can immediately get to your detective and his case. That said, perhaps a slightly different country would benefit you more and distance you more from Allo Allo - Denmark, as suggested, or maybe Belgium (I'm unfamiliar with what this country was up to during the War). But as to your original question - yes. Yes I would be very interested in reading it.
Just don't have him searching for the fallen Madonna with the big boobies and you should be fine - and probably never say listen very carefully I shall say this only once lol
Find out which country had the most intrigue, and set your story there. The more meat you have to work with, the better the plot IMHO.
Actually maybe Poland would be better all I want to do is make jokes about airmen under the bed etc lol
ahh you haven't watched it lol The old lady in Allo Allo was hiding two British Airmen under her bed.
the locale wouldn't matter at all to me as long as the story was a good one and the writing passable or better...