The word is: jetted as in... Rays of light jetted through the canopy. Do you think this kind of usage doesn't fly in regards to light? I was attempting to use something other than the usuals, 'streaking'; 'shot'; 'raced'; etc..
. Jetted doesn't sound right. That's what passengers do. Streamed? Is there nothing in your favourite thesaurus?
Streamed is a good replacement for 'jetted'. To me, Jetted implies motion and even though light is technically in constant motion, what the human eye perceives is.. well... A light is on, and it's streaming, beaming, and simply just on. A light moves, and it is no longer streaming, it's flitting, moving, jetting, wobbling, etc, etc. Streamed is good.
"jet" implies use of power to drive it, and also that the object is moving at very high speed. Since the rays of light are not jet-propelled, and they are not a tangible object moving quickly through the air, I can't go with its use here at all. Rays of (sun) light normally just filter or shine down from the sky. There is no starting and finishing point to the process. Words like shot/race do not gel with me (too fast, and problems as with "jet"), and streak only works if you are describing the kind of bleeding effect from the sun outwards to the sky, or coming through clouds. However, because the process is only gradual you need to word the sentence to make it clear you mean "streak = bleed out", not "streak = move very fast". Filter/come/shine are better verbs for what you seem to be describing. Also, a ray of light does not in itself "beam". The sun, or a torch (flashlight), the source of/power behind the light, beams the ray of light. "Stream" would only work if there was an absolute flood of light, but how would that happen if the light is having to come through a canopy? It would have to be a very thin and inefficient canopy to let so much light penetrate.
If you want to conjure an image of thin, sharp rays, as between leaves and branches, you could use "Rays of light pierced through the canopy."
a big 'no' to 'jetted'... makes no sense at all re 'light'... same goes for 'raced'... and 'rays of light' is triter than trite...
Is the starting point not the sun? And in a darkened room with a sliver of light hitting the floor - wouldn't you see the end of that process on the floor?
how would rays of light pierce the canopy? A knife or other sharp object would pierce a canopy - a ray would be absorbed or just bounce off it. And a light would only get through if it was very strong and the canopy very light
"Rays of light" imply small amounts of light are going through the canopy. In this case "piercing" the canopy.
No, because rays come in a continual, unbreakable stream. There isn't "a ray" that leaves the sun and ends when it hits the floor. That's why shot etc make no sense. However, a bullet leaves a weapon, travels through the air, and arrives at its target.
. With the OP using jetted and canopy, I was thinking of a jet aircraft canopy, as the type of canopy wasn't specified. Regardless, assuming it's a forest/jungle canopy, then pierced is good as well, or sparkled, struggled, probed (more details of scene required.)
Ok but they have to come from somewhere, like the sun and anything that starts has to stop - even if it's night time - but there definately is a start and end to everything
Thank you everyone for the feedback! I'm glad I asked.. learned some good things here. I knew 'jetted' seemed fishy, so I wanted to make sure.