It's just a game I play with myself sometimes and I wanted to know if anyone wants to try to play themselves. Take the letter I or A to begin and add a letter to make a new word. For example, 'A' becomes 'AT' now add another letter that forms a new word: 'AT' becomes 'SAT' which becomes 'SWAT' which becomes 'SWATH' which becomes 'SWATHE' which becomes 'SWATHER' which becomes 'SWATHERS' and now I'm stuck. Got to eight letter word, though. How large of a word can you come up with?
How do you stop yourself cheating, tho? 'A' 'AB' 'ABS' 'ABSTRACT' 'no...ABSEILING' 'ABSOLUTELY...stop' 'stop...ABS...Q.' 'ABSQUILLION...stop, stop.