So I found this article, and it made me laugh. It lists each Zodiac sign and what that person will most likely be addicted to. And it's perfectly in line with many people I know. Had a friend who's a Gemini. She was obsessed with social media. She broke her phone when we were on vacation once, and she begged everyone the entire trip to use their phones so she could check her MySpace (yes, this was before Facebook got big). Have a Scorpio friend. Addicted to porn. My mom's a Sagittarius. Alcoholic. I'm a Virgo. Often find myself in relationships with people who have issues. By the time we break up, they're stronger, more independent, and I'd like to think I had something to do with that. (Does that make me sound arrogant? ) Also have a Virgo friend who was an activist while we were friends, now he's serving in the military. Anyway. I know some of them are ridiculous, like the hard drugs. I know some Aries and Taurus people, and while the description fits them, they definitely aren't addicted to coke or weed. So how bout it? Does it fit you? DISCLAIMER: This is just for fun! Please don't start a debate about the legitimacy of astrology or the Zodiac.
This is ridiculous, you can't use someone's birthday to determine whether ... Gemini (May 21 – June 20): Social Media When Geminis want to avoid their feelings or the present moment, the most characteristic way for them to do so is through some form of compulsive communication. I’m not talking deep-digging intellectual conversation that plumbs the depths of the soul; they need a conversational jungle gym. They need to be able to roam from one topic to another — maybe circling back to their original point, maybe not. Social media works in coordination with this feature of a Gemini’s personality all too well, and some studies show that Facebook can be more addictive than booze. Social media also supports Gemini’s tendency toward a dilettante lifestyle: doing many things, but never really diving too deep into any of them. Gemini would benefit from cultivating self-discipline by taking breaks from the Internet entirely and channelling their pursuit of mental stimulation by doing something that promotes concentration, like reading. ... Holy **** it's all true.
Aquarius - Videogames/Cutting Not too far off the mark. I do enjoy videogames (who doesn't?) and I used to self-harm when I was younger. But, on the bright side, there's no mention of any alcoholism so I guess I don't have a drinking problem, woo-hoo! Now, where's that bottle.......
Capricorn I am not that self indulgent, but I do smoke. I also work hard on things. And I definitely don't have a superior complex, but I do like to stay locked away in my cave away from people.
F'n. Scorpio. I don't even have to read it. Every other week my horoscope is: have you considered having more sex, Scorpio? Your creative work would greatly benefit from an increased quantity/quality of sex, Scorpio. So sex/porn. But, you know, it's murderously accurate. Sometimes I'll put on gay porn while doing other things. I'm not gay, per say, but it's enjoyable to see/listen to two dudes enjoying each other, and it doesn't make me jealous the same way as seeing a gal out of reach with another guy.
Pisces-Alcoholic. Here I thought it was just the family history that made me prone to alcoholism. The stars are aginst me as well. My mothers a virgo, and the co depencdy thing does seem to fit.
This is not me debating but if anyone is interesting in racking their brains with a new concept (interpersonal neurobiology), this vid: I'm a capricorn, so it says I'm pills and eating disorder. In the past I've had issues with alcohol, weed, heroin, excessive caffeine use, video games, porn, and destructive relationships ("love addiction" -- there's neuroscience on that too). Pills... sorta. Eating disorders... I binge eat sometimes when stressed. This was fun to think about.
As a Capricorn, I do put a lot of pressure on myself, and I do take aspirin a lot... and I've been on the verge of eating disorders... yikes, and I am just as addicted to caffeine as I've ever been.
Mine doesn't really fit at all. I'm a Virgo, and waaaaaay too independent to ever be dependent on someone else.
I'm a Virgo too and very independent. I think this article is describing less of a codependency addiction and more of a chronic need to "fix" people. At least, that's how I understood it.
Well, I dunno, that makes a bit more sense. I do like helping people, but not to the extent that I would ever enter a relationship with someone who has too many issues. I know it seems caustic of me, but I'm not going to date someone who doesn't have their life in order.