My friends and I will be moving to the campus for the older half of our school next year. Over the last few weeks, they have been about doing fairly minor bullying things, discussing telling the principal that one of the teachers was doing something that is best not discussed here. They also play a game where they shouted rude words as loud as they can. I, personally, don't enjoy doing that kind of thing. I love them, though, and they usually aren't like this. I go to a small school and finding other people my age to hang out with is not an option. I was just wondering what you think I should do.
Living that close together might make their pranks even worse. I have lived in a campus-like place myself, there are those who like messing around, and if they are constantly next to each other, acting out all of their crazy ideas... For yourself, the best thing is seeing what they are doing and not doing it yourself, and keeping them under control. Maybe trying to make them see themselves. Either way, they should grow out of it at one point, but I doubt it will happen during campus time.
Hey Allan, Thanks for your reply. Hiwever, I didn't realize that some people might think that campus meant the place where we live. Sorry for not explaining it properly. The campus is only the half of the school that we attend. We still live with our parents(I'm 15). Sorry.
i'd find some new friends, if i were you... that's what i'd tell you to do if i were your mom, too... associating with kids who do unacceptable things will tar you with the same brush, whether you take part in the bad behavior or not... do you really want to be known as one of the 'rowdies'?