I have a blog related to my day profession and I've been trying to acquire some interview with people related to my day profession. I've had little success with acquiring an interview with the interviewee in my home city. They explain they are too busy to sit for an interview. However, they have been published in related industry publications. Granted I am not a well read publication but I am serious about what I am writing about. I feel they do not take me seriously and their excuse that they are too busy is lame. I’d like to know if it is difficult to get a subject to sit for an interview? Or does someone have any tips of how I can secure an interview with someone. I’ve had some success with people abroad.
why demand they 'sit' for it when you can do it more easily by email, so they can fit it in when they have the time? i've both given and obtained interviews that way and it's just as good as doing so in person... better, actually, since both interviewer and interviewee have more time to frame their questions/answers...
you are correct. they don't have to sit for the interview and i have gotten an interview via email. i will propose this when i respond to their decline. but i have a feeling if they are too busy to sit down, they may be too busy to think and write back. but it doesn't hurt to try. thank you but in general, is it always that difficult to secure an interview with a subject? thank you but that is not easy to predict.
Don't forget to mention the readership numbers of your blog if it is at least 500 per day. If it is less than 500 you can't really blame them for not agreeing to give interviews. Instead you should focus on popularizing your blog on the net. Submit to blog listing sites, try posting everyday, and make sure your blog's pagerank is at least 5, which means it will appear in the top 50 of search engines results when somebody search for any related topics. Once you do that, you'll find it easier to get interviews, and speaking of my own personal experience people will approach you to give interviews and to interview you as well
As mentioned, do it via email and send them a list of clear, straightforward questions. You could even do it in two parts, with the second set of questions shaped by the answers to the first. I've given about two dozen interviews in the past 18 months for my day job and every one has been done over email.
i've decided not to pursue the interview after they declined. i thought to ask them to reconsider an email exchange but i decided against it. i will work with the one i have currently and others i have lined up.