I know that this isn't quite a book review, but has anyone watched the movie with Danny Glover "Age of Dragons". It is directed by a Canadian and I must say I feel kind of ashamed at the literal ripoff [I too am Canadian] of a classic book by some deadbeat director too lazy to even change some of the names in the movie. As said, has anyone else watched this horrific scam of a movie? Your thoughts?
Not sure if you realize or not, but it was intended to be a recreation of Moby Dick, just with dragons. So that could definitely have been the reason for not changing some of the names, and the reason the plot was basically identical. Personally, I enjoyed the film. It wasn't the greatest thing I've ever see, but I don't believe it was bad at all, and would watch it again. I watched it a while ago so I don't remember why, but I do remember liking it.
Yes, I saw it as part of syfy original movies. It was bad yo. Real bad. When Danny (Ahab) took off his mask and began to chew the scenery I lol'ed. Moby Dick is 1 of the best novels ever written though, and I actually liked the dragon hunt idea. It was a little better than the standard syfy crap (Raptor Planet, MegaShark vs Giant octopus, Mansquito, etc) ....."I'd strike the sun if it insulted me!"