..at such an hour, beneath such dreamy weather! ... to beg a tale of breath too weak to stir the tiniest feather? Hi. I'm Dave. That is from the writer of Alice in Wonderland. I'm a poet. Ask me anything you want, i'm not shy. I like short poems, or anything with short stanzas, short lines.
Just where in the hell is my left sock? I swear I had it a moment ago, but I'll be damned if I can find it. Any suggestions?
Ha ha ha good one max! Anyway Red Matrix, hiya and welcome to the forum, hope you enjoy what you see.
I have a couple of answers for you, not sure which one is correct at this moment in time, so I shall present them both! You carry with you what you need to conquer existence There is no sock Everyone else, thanks a bunches. WriTingForum eh?