Okay... I'm workin' on somethin' new, and, of course, I have a new question. Could y'all suggest some ambiguous, 'asexual', names? Tis for the short I'm currently workin' on. I hope to gather twenty names, all will be used. I would just google this, but I think askin' y'all would fetch more originality! ... Let the suggestions... BEGIN!
Quite a few of these are abbreviated forms of different names ... btw, shouldn't this be in the characters forum? Alex Ash Chris / Kris Dara Fran Glen / Glenn Hilary Jan (though that depends a bit on how the initial consonant is pronounced) Jo / Joe Jordan Jules Kay Kim Lee Leslie / Lesley Mel Nat Pat Nicky / Nicki Rae / Ray Roni / Ronnie Rowan Sam Val
Thanks guys! Also, I guess this could go into the characters section, but considering non of these names will be used on characters, but instead on random things I choose to name, I don't think it does... Such as a computer... Yes, a computer named Kit... XD
Question, does anyone else know a guy named Kelly, Sasha, or Kennedy. Cause I know guys with those names. Angel also has always been a guys name to me but I recently realized that that might be because I lived in El Paso for so long.
Or a car called Kitt ...hmm, hang on a second... All the fictional computers that spring to mind had somewhat ambiguous (sexually) names ... Orac, Zen, Deep Thought, HAL, Box - though these ones all had male voices. The computer I'm using right now I've named "Galileo". To my list above, I'll add "Jay" - on my Physics course at University, there were a male and a female Jay. (for the male, it was his whole name, for the female an abbreviation).
There are women named Robin and Sean, though normally they're men's names. People who don't know Russian have also taken to using men's diminutive names (which end in -a and therefore look female) for women: Nikita and Sasha are good examples - they mean Nicholas and Alexander.
I don't think anyone has posted the name Christian. I knew a guy and girl by that name. Would anyone mind if I pose my own question about names here, instead of making a separate thread? I want to start writing a story that involves multiple kingdoms, and I was wondering about some good names for kingdoms or tribes.