My wife, pregnant with our third, woke this morning with some spotting. If any of us pray, would you pray for her? -Xy
Absolutely!! Also, A few girls that I know that have had babies have seen this. It turned out to be nothing and the doctor said it was not abnormal at all.
A great deal of gratitude goes to all who've responded. My wife's at the doctors office now & Kaelynn's (our soon to be daughter) heart rate is normal. So far, everything seems OK. So thank you for your prayers and thoughts. Everything helps. -Xy
My wife just called. The hospital has let her go home. They said everything seems normal as long as she's not having too many contractions (only 5 weeks to go!!!). She also said that when they were listening to the heartbeat, Kaelynn got the hiccups and they sounded cute. I wish I could've been there. *sigh* So - thanks again. -Xy
Aww! I will light a candle for you and your wife! Hopefully your wife and the little one will have an easy birth!
at only 5 weeks away from full term, your baby can still be born healthy, x... many babies come into the world even before then and get along just fine, so don't worry or let your wife worry... that can be more detrimental to the baby than the spotting... love and hugs, maia [mom of 7]
I hope that the remaining time goes smoothly for you and your wife Xy. I had my children both 2 months early, was terrifying. But I do send my thoughts and best wishes to you and your wife and hope that your little girl is born strong and healthy when the time comes. You must be ever so excited by now. Make sure your wife rests up plenty from now on and no bending and lifting. THe less she does now, the better it will be for the baby, especially if she has been spotting and having contractions already. Make sure she takes it easy. As much as she can anyway. Warmest thoughs Torana
That must have been quite a relief, I'm glad things are ok. I second Tori's advice, and though I don't pray, I'll keep (hiccuping ) Kaelynn in my thoughts.
Well I am glad to hear everything sounds fine, and I hope it continutes to go that way for you throughout. xx
in utero hiccups may sound cute to the father and others, but i can tellya from all too much experience, they're hell on the mom involved!... it's bad enough when you get 'em yourself, but at least then you can do the backwards glass of water trick to get rid of 'em... when your baby gets the darn things, you have to suffer along with the poor thing, till they quit... and that's not conducive to getting a good night's sleep!...
That's what she says... But she's also the one who said that they sounded cute - however annoying they really are. Edit - she being my wife.
I actually had to deal with my son having hiccups during my his was excrutiatingly painful but at the same time, absolutely wonderful. I love the feeling of a baby with hiccups during pregnancy....but then I am nuts I do hope she is feeling better today Xy.
I'm glad there's nothing wrong with your wife or child. But I'll be thinking good thoughts for you Xyphyx. Keep us informed please.