
Should this be a First Person story or Diary entries?

  1. First Person

    1 vote(s)
  2. Diary

    0 vote(s)
  1. Daemon Wolf

    Daemon Wolf Senior Member

    Jul 18, 2015
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    Anarchist washington

    Discussion in 'Plot Development' started by Daemon Wolf, Sep 20, 2015.

    So I had an idea for a book to work on whilst I work on The Darkness Plague (Kind of got tired of having spaces where I cant even work on my current book because of lack of inspiration or anything else and would like to actually do something with my time).

    The idea is that: A social experiment is happening in the whole of Washington state. The experiment is to see what people will do if left to their own devices and basically left to anarchy. If we would all kill each other or if we would form into groups and such and live peacefully. Well during the social experiment there will be a group of friends who go through Washington and see everything that Anarchy causes and such.

    Side Note: I am an Anarchist myself but I believe people at their core are evil and wish to explore my views and ideas with this book.

    Now I was wondering would it be better to write it as "The main character is writing down events and in a diary" or just a normal First Person story?
  2. Sifunkle

    Sifunkle Dis Member

    Aug 4, 2014
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    I think it could work either as a standard first person narrative or as a diary (epistolary novel). Perhaps the latter would give it more pizzazz, but it might be harder to get right.

    Two other comments:

    - I hope your story identifies the distinction between the colloquial anarchy and the political philosophy of Anarchism. Your OP seems to be hedging its bets a bit.

    - It's fine to explore your views with the book, but it might be more engaging and seem less preachy if you also explore opposing views.

    Good luck!
  3. Daemon Wolf

    Daemon Wolf Senior Member

    Jul 18, 2015
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    Thanks. The whole idea of it would be to give a realistic look (at least as best as I can) to what anarchy might bring. And there is a lot to that. Some creating their own towns that end up being governed by a family or town, people grouping up in clans for protection and some people just going on it alone. I don't mean to be preachy at all in this book because I do plan on expressing opposing views and somewhat supporting opposing views (the main one that I have heard being that chaos would occur and people would become violent, as well as the second one that comes up that some people will try and create their own societies from the dust of Anarchy). The whole idea is to explore more than just one view. If it was everything would be nice and pretty and people would be kind to each other and anarchy would "win" but I want to show ALL the probabilities in one book BECAUSE of all the controversy.

    The whole reason I thought of this (which I thought up maybe 12 hours ago) is BECAUSE of all the people I have known who seem to all have different reasons why they are against it and all their different views. It all got me thinking of what ifs which created this idea: The what if it actually happened, what if a social experiment did occur, would people be kind to each other or tear each other apart. And I want to explore all the possibilities in the form of a story.

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