My plot was moving along really well. I thought I was doing so good, and then I hit a bump in the road, and I can't seem to figure out how to get past it. Obviously, any advice would be most helpful. Basically, Jane (a witty high school Junior) is trying desperately to put together the pieces of a ghostly, and dangerous, mystery surrounding her school. Adam, a friend of hers, is not allowed to help her (for reasons I won't be posting as they are a major part of the plot.) I'll go ahead and post here the last bit to where I get stuck. <Excerpt removed - all writing for comment must be in the Review Room - the general overview posted later is ok though> And, that's where I stopped...
I'd like to help you, but your font is too small for me to read (on my laptop, anyhow). Could you make it bigger, please?
Do you have a specific problem? I mean, we can't write your plot for you. What is it you're stuck on? What are you finding difficult about it? Just from the snippet you posted, I have no idea what on Earth is going on or what's going to happen next. If you don't either, well, then I'd suggest you figure out your plotline and THEN start writing. You end up trapped in a lot fewer corners that way.
Sorry about the font. I won't make it small like that again. As far as my problem, I realize it's not enough to post now. It seemed enough to me, but I guess that's because I'm fully aware of what's going on. I do have a plot line, but it's apparently a bit more vague than I thought it was. And I realize you aren't going to write my plot for me, haha. I'm not asking for that. As far as what's going on in what I posted, I'll bring you up to speed, which I should have done from the beginning. Sorry about that. Basic plot: Coral Bay Academy Boarding School, founded in 1900, is supposedly haunted. Nobody really knows the truth, until one girl (Jane) gets caught up in it all. She finds a locket, and it all goes downhill from there. She begins having these strange daydreams, and nightmares, visions of the past. What really had happened to Clara Black, the original headmistress, her husband Henry, and four year old daughter Rosemary. She begins seeing the ghost of young Rosemary. Rosemary speaks to her in her head. She feels crazy. She learns the truth about Adam and her roommate Kate. They were burned to death in the old chapel by Clara, who went mad after the death of her daughter and husband. And Jane is the only one who can help.. So right now, she's trying to figure out exactly how to help.
What I'm finding difficult? (Sorry I didn't add this in my last post.) I'm just having serious writer's block at the moment. I have my plot line, and I know where I need to end up, but I'm just not sure how to get there. I'm not sure how to make Jane realize how to use the locket as the key to saving Adam, Kate, and Sam.
A storyline differs from a plot in that a plot places obstacles between one or more characters and a goal, and the characters attempt to overcome or circumvent the obstacle. The obstacle (or conflict, if you wish) defines the plot. You may have more than one plot in a storyline (in fact, you probably will!) The need to reach the goal is the forward force, and the conflict or obstacle the counterforce, which together drive movement along the storyline. If your story lacks direction at some point, either a goal, an obstacle, or both are probably absent in that part of the story.
I guess I am, Emerald. Which makes me realize how dumb I sound. I don't think there is a real cure out there, except to sit down and force words out of you until you find something you like. Maybe I just solved my own problem, haha.
Answer: Help do what? You said "supposedly" which implies that these aren't ghost. If so, what are they and what's the motive for making these effects. If they are ghosts and they're haunting people, why are they contacting Jane. What can she do to help, put to rest, dismiss these people. Having and answer and getting Jane to provide it is the ticket.
Thank you very much! You actually helped me more than you might know. It seems to be a lot harder to sit here and think when I'm trying to force myself to do it. So when someone else gives me the questions like that that I should already be asking myself, it's totally helpful. If that made sense..haha.