I just wanted to post quickly so if you see me floating about you will know why I am here! I used to write loads as a teenager, I think most people do. Anyway you grow up and life moves on and you realise your imagination slowly disintegrates! Anyway, I have had this idea for a novel floating around in my head for years, to the point where it has not shut up over the past year! So I thought, why not just write it all down and see how it goes then I may have some sanity back. So I am. This time I am going to be strict myself and make myself write it and not just stop after 1000 words! And so far so good. I hope you will join my journey and help me keep typing onto the next page! Tabz xx
Hey, Tabitha. That was me who emailed you. Here is the New Member Quick Start. It has good information and a link to the complete forum rules. We're all here on a similar journey, I hope yours is successful. Wrey
Welcome to the forum, Tabitha. Yes, write your idea down, allow it to take you on an awesome journey, and enjoy every second of it 'cause getting that story you want to tell out is one of the best feelings ever. Hopefully we'll also be able to support you on that journey. See you around! -Kat