Storm level 6, visible as far south as the UK and the very northern parts of the US and whatever the equivalent latitude is in the southern hemisphere. It's not quite dark here, partially cloudy and we need just a teeny bit more storm for the aurora to be visible around Seattle, but I'll be keeping watch.
Sadly, the skies here won't be clear at night any time soon. Active weather system producing a lot of overnight thunderstorms.
Storm level got to 7 and raged all night. Auroras were reported as far south as Kansas. We had partially clear skies. Aaaarrgghh! It didn't quite get to 8 which is where it needs to be for me to see it out my window because of the city lights. I'm sure people out of town are going to be telling everyone about their seeing it. I saw only the tiniest brief flickers that I'm never sure are aurora or imaginary from staring. Not satisfying.
It's baaack. So there was another Kp-5 storm a couple days ago and right now there's another one. Aurora's are visible in the northern US and equivalent latitudes.
It's baaack. [makes note to think of something more original for next time] Storm level KP4. Not raging enough to see it from the US but it's getting there.
Storm level 5 now if it's dark where you are. It's noon here. Also the Perseids meteor shower is due in a week.
I've been enjoying a private aurora all day! It's been Level 10 optical migraines since I woke up....
Oh joy. I don't get them often, and almost never feel an actual headache, but ten minutes in, I'm functionally blind for ten minutes or so. I can see, but it's so fragmented I can't really identify individual objects. Not good if I am driving...
Another storm just flared up. It's daylight and cloudy here, but if it's dark and clear where you are the Kp level is 5, meaning decent aurora activity.
I wish I could see the aurora here in SoCal. I used to see it sometimes at my family's cottage northeast of Toronto, but that's a long way away!
Storm level's at 5 right now. It's cloudy here and it has to get above 7 for auroras to be seen this far south. But if it's dark and clear out and you are at a latitude further north than Seattle, take a look outside.
Wish their was not so much light pollution in NYC. My girlfriend has never seen an arora borialis before and wants too.
You are further south there than Seattle. The storm level needs to be ~8 for you to see it there. It has to be between 7-8 to be seen here. I've seen it half a dozen times from my house.
good to know, i remember seeing them a bit in New England as a kid and never thought about it after moving. Well until my girlfriend started talking about wanting to see them last month.