Under settings where the list of rep is located I have always received a green block next to them. But today I got a silver one. Does anyone know what the difference is?
I believe it means that the person that gave you rep didn't actually own enough rep for their +rep to matter. Under normal rep systems there's also a negative rep which appears as red, but that sort of system can get nasty with repbombs and such, which I guess is the reason they removed it here.
The only silver one I have is from someone who had just joined the site at the time, so I assumed it meant that the rep wasn't valid/worth any points due to the giver's status. Could be wrong though.
The silver ones are from members who have +rep'ed you, but who don't have enough posts/time on the forum/gold Mario coins to add to your rep points.
I have, like, two grey/silver ones. Hey, Banzai! BANZAI. If the person who gives you grey rep levels up (thanks... now I'm thinking in video game terms), does it turn green? And by that logic, if someone who gives me green rep starts getting more rep and posts, does their rep become worth more to me, or is it worth the set amount at the time it's given?
Damnit. And here was li'l ol' me hoping for exponential rep growth past stupid 417 or whatever it's at.
I was tempted to go with dragon souls, but I think it will be a while before Skyrim has sufficiently saturated popular culture. Nope, sorry. The amount of rep points you get depends on how many points the other member can give at that time.
I was tempted to go with dragon souls, but I think it will be a while before Skyrim has sufficiently saturated popular culture. Nope, sorry. The amount of rep points you get depends on how many points the other member can give at that time.
didnt say it was lol, but almost everything ppl say nowadays concerning something they no longer do is "...but then i took an arrow to the knee"
Ohhh. That bit didn't get quoted. I thought you were having a go about the "Mods are asleep/Post ponies" thing. I thought you must be some /b/tard or something. It is a pretty hilarious thing for them to have included in the game, though. xD I'm glad the community picked that sort of thing up. It is genuinely funny. Just think about the amount of different voice actors that actually had to say that. You'd think they'd have a few different lines or something, but nope. Everybody's taking arrows to the knee.
yeah it is pretty funny but i reckon now its kinda getting overused....or maybe thats because i havent played skyrim haha
Another rep question: why is it that it doesn't seem to be possible to get more than 6 light green squares? I've heard that the rule is 100 points for dark green squares and 200 for light green squares, but past 6 lime squares, you can't earn more for each additional 200. I noticed that on my user CP, and I've also seen people on here with 20,000+ posts who have undoubtably earned more than 6 lime squares' worth of points. Not trying to be a rep hog here, just curious.
I never noticed there are two green colors. But then again, I wear glasses; so I am prone to blindness, haha.