Hi all, I've recently come up with an idea for a fiction chapbook of short/flash fiction and was wondering if anyone here had any experience publishing such a thing. I'm wondering if there is anything I should know before diving in and also some market possibilities I may have missed in cursory googling. Thanks!
I've published several chapbooks. Was there anything specific you wanted to know? How are you planning to publish? And what do you mean by market possibilities?
Hey, thanks for responding! I've actually found a publisher through some luck (I e-mailed a friendly editor I knew and they asked for and liked the pitch), so my market possibility question is moot now but I meant any publishers of fiction chapbooks I may have missed. BUT now that I have a publisher and the ear of someone who's done it, I'm wondering how I could make the most of this opportunity. It's scheduled to come out in fall. I'm not concerned with making money off of it as much as I am getting people reading it and excited about my work. Should I try to find places to read (which I've never done and sounds frightening and exciting at the same time) and sell my author copies? Are there bookstores that actually agree to sell the printed versions of tiny works like this? The publisher mentioned time for promo briefly when telling me about the release schedule but I haven't followed up about what that entails, though I plan to. I'm assuming it means copies to people who do reviews, I don't know. Any advice you have would be most appreciated!
As an aside, just checked out Neon from your link, looks great! I'll have to get an issue and see if my work may fit! Always good to find new stuff to read though.
I had to look up what a chapbook was. As for Neon, I'm wondering @Krishan, if you'd considered how many people are turned off by white letters on a black background, or if that is something that's a two-way street for your reader market?
I have designed a new cover for you, Krishan, based on guidelines. I hope you enjoy my submission. Thank you.