Just out of curiosity. I'm an okay, but by no means a serious competitor. I only ask because I created an abstract strategy game, which is similar, yet distinctly different from chess. Its been gathering dust. The Patent program is a bit confusing to do solo, and I don't know of anyway to make an app for it. Not that computer smart. I have a site set up, basically telling what the game is, but it needs work. I forget the link rules here, so don't want to put it up if I can't. Just looking to shoot the S***. Maybe there's an avenue I haven't explored yet.
I play have been chess daily since I was a child. Playing against friends and family I still lose about 45% of my games so I can't say I'm great. I really enjoy chess and I also play turn based video games a lot. If you have it to try I'll surely give it a go. I could play against you but timezone (+2) could be troublesome.
I used to play chess a lot when I was younger, but most people I know don't play it or don't play it anymore, which is a shame.
I've played sporadically, but never really took the time to get really good at it. I've always had too many other interests. Still, I had a friend who was an avid player who regularly put me to shame, except when we got hold of a 3D variant with 8 levels and a new piece or two. I beat him at that for a while until he had time to outpractice me again. I still play standard chess on occasion, but never became passionate about it.
Most Grandmasters lose about as many as they win... ...because anybody who wins all the time isn't playing against a high-enough quality opponent! (Bobby Fischer's lifetime record was W 273, D 125, L 80)
I've played chess a time or two. I've won and lost some games, but overall it's a relaxing experience.
I just don't know what to do with it. It's gathering dust, and I don't know how to go about getting an app or simulation run. I think I talked to someone at the chess variants website and they offered to run up a program, but it was a chess one I think. I just realized when I was last working on the site I hadn't finished uploading all the mock demonstrations. Here's the site, which gives a glimpse into some of the mechanics of the game. I'll have to see if I can get more videos up, including a full game against myself http://quadaptation.webs.com/
How to play.Lets see if this works https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B1uCzBGMtLODYXRfTVpZbHFuU0k/view?usp=sharing