Hi guys. A long time ago, I watched a film. I was probably a young teenager, when I first had a TV in my bedroom and I think I probably fell asleep and missed most of it but one scene keeps bugging the hell out of me. So much so that I really want to know what the film's called but, I can't remember! So, Here's what I do know ... I think it's set on earth but in the future (I could be wrong). There's a lot of kids, not sure if it's a school or a kind of orphanage but outside, it's constantly raining. All the time, rain rain rain. The main character, one of the kids, a boy I think, tells a story of something called the sun and promises that one day, the rain will go away and they will be able to go outside without macs. One of the teachers - or grownups - hears this and takes it almost as treason. She drags the poor kid off and locks him in a room as punishment, a room with no windows and only one door. Then, it happens, the rain stops and the sun comes out. The teacher (or grownup) and all the other kids are agog with wonder, remove their coats and spend the day out in the open, revelling in the sunshine. The poor kid locked in the room with no window, all he gets to see is a shaft of sunlight shining under the door. And that's all I can remember. There's a big possibility that I've been dreaming this for the past thirty years, but I sincerely hope not! Thanks in advance! x
Oooo, according to Wiki, they did a thirty minute TV production of it. I wonder if I can find it on youtube, and I wonder why I thought it was a boy? Thanks for that, @Lancie - off to have a look on youtube!
I think the boy is one of the nasty children. I didn't realise it was written by the same guy who wrote Fahrenheit 451, might have to did it out! Hope it's worth the hunt
I found the thirty minute TV version on youtube! OMG! that was the one! Thirty odd years of this popping up in my head every now and then finally sorted out! I didn't realise it was actually adapted from a book, will have to see if I can get hold of a copy. Thanks for your help, @Lancie