I want to get my book finished, I had a big hit within my famly. My sister was diagnose with breast cancer two years ago, she did alternitive medican and now convention, it spread to her bones and she has not long to live and I want to put her in my book so she will be living forever. If I send clips out there can anyone help
I am more than happy to help where I can. Why don't you post your work in the review room and I'll keep an eye out for it.
I can relate. My gramma was recently diagnosed with cancer. They caught it too late. With chemo, she might have up to 2 years left. It's heartbreaking. I might not be the best person to help you with your book, but if you need someone to talk to about anything else, feel free to send me a pm. It can really help to talk to someone going through something simular to what you're going through. Take care!
The quickest and most professional way to accomplish your goal is through the offer mammamaia made. One word of caution -- I am sure mammamaia will coach you properly in this regard, but when you use any "real" person in your story, there are legal issues that must be addressed. Even maia would be at some risk for her role in assisting you without legal protections. Good luck in your noble effort.
Well the issue Naci is talking about is avoid easily by changing the name of the character and instead of basing the character on your sister, put a characteristic or two of her in the character and dedicate the book to her. I'm sorry about your sister. I know how hard it is to lose a family member...I lost my mom a few years ago. ~Lynn