hi, it's me tony. i want to write a book with all my short stories in it. but i only up to 3 short stories( all of them abot 3 to 4 pages long.) any ideas for a short thriller story)
Come up with your own ideas. Also, come up with your own ideas. Come up with your own ideas, come up with your own ideas. Furthermore, all the experts and celebrities agree: come up with your own ideas. Of course, like my granduncle used to scream from the trolley, you should come up with your own ideas. Come up with your own ideas. In conclusion, Tiny, come up with your own ideas. Now and forever. Yaaaaay.
Well put Irontrousers. And if you really don't want to come u with your own ideas, become a comision writer.
I won't put the idea on the table, but try reading Dean Koontz and sort of emulating the fast pace, condensed in a short story.
Well, there's nothing wrong with asking for some inspiration, as long as someone doesn't expect a brilliant storyline handed out on a crystal platter. My advice would be to go back and review some of the writers or films that inspired you to write horror in the first place. Then go to Amazon and look up their works, see what similar titles Amazon recommends, and look into those. If all else fails, read another genre for a while, and give your thoughts a rest.
i'd have to agree with all the posters who say to come up with your own ideas for stories... that's what writers are supposed to do, you know... as for putting a collection of shorts together in a book, you should know it's virtually impossible for an unknown new writer to get any paying publisher to take one on... to see your stuff in book form, you'll have to go the vanity-publishing route... the reason is the market for short story collections is not a lively one, so only the well known and already widely published can sell same... you'll need to have at least some of your stories in that collection previously published in reputable paying venues and make a name for yourself, before publishers will consider your collection... love and hugs, maia