Reading old literature as I have been doing lately, I keep coming across latin quotes and phrases that I can't translate and it is infuriating. heres an example. Nunc et campus et areae lenesque sub noctem sussuri composita repantur hora . . . nunc et latentis proditor intumo gratus puellae risus ab angluo pignusque dereptur lacertis aut digito male pertinaci . . .
I googled it and found this translation: Now haunt the malls and the stadium. When little whispers stir in starlight, make very sure you arrange to be there, where -- who's in hiding? -- giveaway laughter from the dark, a girl's laugh, muffled... lovely... her bracelet tussled for in fun, or ring from a teasingly tightened finger.
Wow how did you manage that I try and try typing in quotes and never get anywhere Thankyou. I have writen it in pencil over the verse.
When you go to Google click on "More" at the top. Then select "Translate"... it's quite a useful little tool