1. Davi_Alan

    Davi_Alan New Member

    Dec 30, 2010
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    Any Rimbaud Readers Out There?

    Discussion in 'Discussion of Published Works' started by Davi_Alan, Apr 11, 2011.

    Hi Guys,

    I've been away from the forum for a while. During this time in which I was out I took an interest for Symbolist poetry. I'd like to know - is there anyone here who reads/is well acquainted with the works of Arthur Rimbaud? I've been reading Baudelaire and Verlaine mainly, and while a characteristic of the Symbolist poetry is subjectivism, I can still make something out of what Baudelaire or Verlaine are saying in their poems. In fact, I think most of the messages in Flowers of Evil are very clear. And so I came across Rimbaud lately. I've read on wikipedia his biography and how much his works are praised by critics and how they've influenced modern poetry and other artists, etc. So, I know he has the first "well-behaved" poems that he wrote (in which he wrote mainly in the alexandrine verse and used rhyme scheme) and those can be easily appreciated (like the poem Sensation), however when I started reading The Iluminations I hated at first sight because he just didn't seem to be saying anything at all. I'm starting to like the work a little bit more. Poems like Mystique and Aube have some pretty fantastic hallucinatory-like beauty to it, and still even though I have no idea as to what he is talking about, they still captivate me because of this weird beauty of the images he creates. I tried searching for articles online that analyzed the work, but no luck at all. I'd like to know, are there supposed to me any clear concrete messages behind such apparent senseless poetry, or are The Iluminations suppose to be just that - a bunch of hallucinatory-like poetry? And if so, then how come they have caused such said impact on the literature and artists of the 20th century?
  2. Lemex

    Lemex That's Lord Lemex to you. Contributor

    Oct 2, 2007
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    Northeast England
    I am. I like Rimbaud, and have read everything of his in both French and English.

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