I looked through my YA collection - and I have tons - but can't find any book with black protagonist - don't remember seeing any too. Are there any good YA book out there? The way protagonist grow up in black family would be interesting. Though, before you think I'm racist, I'm not, but the way black people rise their kids is defenitely differnt from white people's and it would be good read.
I know I've read a bunch w/a black MC, just having a hard time thinking of them at the moment. Oh...I haven't read it yet, but there's a book called Liar by Justine Larbalestier. There was some controversy about it because they originally used a white girl for the book cover even though the protagonist is black - Also, The Secret Life of Bees had a young, black MC.
Well Push (the base plot of the movie Precious) by Sapphire is technically YA.... But it's a bit heavy. No joke intended. The issues are waaaay serious. I saw the movie with my mom, and it got kind of awkward as Clarisse got sexually abused by her dad. Prolly 'cause I was folding laundry.... But I do recommend it. It's the epitome of "earn your happy ending", the MC very sweet considering the circumstances she is put in. Precious indeed.
No, it didn't. The whole point of the story is that she is a young white girl who ends up living with black people in the racially segregated south.
You're referring to Secret Life of Bees and not Liar.... And yes, my bad. It's been a long time since I read Secret Life of Bees.
If you look at the classical young adult fantasy Ursula K. Le Guin's Earthsea books have a coloured protagonist. Red/brown in a almost native American/middle eastern/north african rather then black.
This is children's rather than YA, but Zilpha Keatley Snyder's 'The Egypt Game' has several black characters in its cast. It's written from multiple 3p limited perspectives, if memory serves, and it's an excellent book. It has sequels too. Walter Dean Myers has mainly black protagonists in his YA books. Try Fallen Angels, about the Vietnam War. It's fantastic, and was one of my favorite books growing up.
look up the author Sharon Draper. She's an excellent writer who has written loads of award-winning YA books, most of which have black heroes/heroines.