I just read in a blog that the new version of Pages has eliminated the ability to import and export .rtf files. Does anybody know if this is true? If it is, that's the final nail in the coffin for me. I've used Apple's wordprocessing programmes since I got my first Mac in 1994. First ClarisWorks (still miss it!) then AppleWorks and now Pages (both 8 and 9.) However, apparently the newest version has removed some functions. I can live with some of the things it has removed, but not this one. Whatever are they thinking of?
According to the Apple support web site for Pages, it must be true. They say there that if you want to work with .rtf files, you have to open them in something else and cut-and-paste them into Pages: https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT202227
Oh, bloody hell. Well it's Scrivener here I come. Apple has just lost a very loyal software customer. They are losing the plot as well, as far as I'm concerned. RTF works across all formats. I can send RTF files via my email, and anybody can open them. This is just ...crap. Anyway, thanks for the info. I've tried looking it up, but can't find any confirmation. I must have missed in on the Apple site.