I'm reading "Marvel Zombies Vs. Army of Darkness" at this momment, and I get a kick out of it. It's so weird, disgusting, and hilarious. Absolutely genious.
I've heard of it and tried to read it, but my library doesn't carry it and the local bookstore has all the copies wrapped up in plastic so I'd have to buy it (which I don't want to, because comics are cool but not worth $30.00). It looks really great though. The funniest funny in the blackest black way.
That's true Crazy Ivan, comics are sold waaaay over price. Thankfully I got all 5 "Marvel Zombies Vs. Army of Darkness" together for like 20$ from my local bookstore. And yes, it is the blackest humor I've ever seen.
marvel zombies vs army of darkness is brilliant! the normal marvel zombies comic is a bit rubbish though. did you know they're planning to re-make the evil dead? i'd love to see nicholas brendon (xander from buffy) as ash.
Haha, yeah. MZ isn't as cool as MZ Vs. AD. And yeah, I heard that Sam Riami has been thinking about it when he was finished with the Spiderman movies, but I thought it would be another sequel but I guess a remake would be pretty cool.
Have you ever read A Modest Destiny? If not, you should, I think it's something you'd like. I've read the whole series twice, love it. I don't know if you can download it online anymore, but I snatched it from the archives before it got deleted There's another series by the same guy, too, but can't remember what its called.
has anyone read Monster Island by David Wellington? its about a world-wide zombie infestation. there are three books in the series, all available online
I've heard of Monster Island. It didn't sound good to me. African mercenaries surviving a zombie apocalypse and going in to retake Manhattan using children soldiers. Zombies coming back to life seem more realistic to me. Sorry.
I like zombies. But I like people to act realistically in zombie fiction. African mercenaries would be swamped quickly, as soon as they ran out of ammunition. And unlike most other armies they don't usually have large amounts of supplies. They'd have to head into the horribly overcrowded, zombie cities to get bullets, gas, and other things. They wouldn't be leading a spearhead for humanity.
A question here from a non-zombie fan. how can people act realistically if there are zombies around. Zombie's are not nice or cute or even hateable. they are just there.
admittedly the plot of Monster Island is quite hokey. the main character has to travel all the way from africa to new york to collect some drugs that may or may not exist in the WHO building for the leader of the mercernaries. his daughter is being held captive by the mercernaries and will be forced to join them if he doesn't complete his mission. also, David Wellington won't be winning any awards for his writing style - he's certainly no Max Brooks. that said, its still enjoyable and full of zombie action. i haven't read the second and third books but i plan to. at the very least they'll keep me going until Romero releases Diary of the Dead in the UK and possibly might last until World War Z is turned into a film (think its being released at the end of this year).
The same way people react to floods, plagues, telemarketers, and other unstoppable unfeeling things that just don't seem to end.
I might give it a chance if I see for cheap. But it doesn't sound like the type of story I'd like. And I need to get to start paying attention to movies again. They seem to be getting interesting.