I was wondering if I should make my story multi-POV's or just stick with one POV? I'm not sure, because I'm kind of stuck and I wanted to make it about Mia and Amanda, but than I'd have to make it through Mia's eyes as well as Amanda's eyes. So what do you think I should do? I mean so far I've done 11 chapters of Amanda's POV, but none of Mia's POV. So should I include some of Mia's POV's inbetween Amanda's POV or what do you think I should do? I'm kind of not sure how to go about this. Is multi-POV's a good way to go is what I'm asking?
Multiple POVs takes more skill to write well. From a single POV, you can show both characters quite well through their actions and words. Your single POV can be a virtual observer, or one of your principal characters. If you choose multiple POVs, not only yout dialogue, but also your narration, should reflect the voice and temperament of the observer of the moment. This may (or may not) be helpful: What's Your Point (of View)?
As a reader, I've always considered multiple POV's sort of cheating, and, as Cogito said, it's a difficult thing to do well. I particularly don't like novels written mainly in the first person, whose authors lapse into third person when it's convenient.
I agree that novels written in first person cannot change to third person. I just doesn't work. IMO, anyway. However, i think that changing the POV (not from first to third) is fine if it's done right. I have changed POV's in my story, but i'm not quite sure if i've done it well. I'm going to need to go over those sections. It gives a bit of a different perspective, and i like seeing what multiple people think and how different people view things, because it helps me understand things better. So if it's necessary, change POV's, but remember it is hard to do well.