Anyone in a band / write music here? Obv. you have a song lyrics forum - anyone written any songs from these?
I'm a drummer in a band and I've written a couple of songs, and helped our main songwriter edit some others.
I'm a vocalist primarily, but I play rhythm guitar and sax as well. Got a few acoustic covers and some originals that I wrote all by my lonesome here on my WF blog. I've been in a few bands, but my latest is fairly new and we haven't decided on a name yet. I think I've got a couple lyrics threads in the lyrics forum, but only one of them has an actual song to it. Not finished yet, though.
^Cool, Saxophones are pretty nice instruments. It's too bad that they've become endangered instruments these days. You hardly hear them anymore in music. Just the stupid synthesizers.
I'm a guitarist and singer. I've written a fair amount of music, but I'm not too good at lyrics. All my lyrics come out as apocalyptic fantasies that attempt to rhyme words like "photosynthesize".
Those songs sound awesome, Minstrel. Our band just writes cutesy indie rock music, often on strange subjects. The song I just wrote the lyrics for was called "Wire Tangle" and was pretty much just about the mess under my desk.
I'm a bassist, and my best friend Ray is a guitarist and also plays... lets see... bass, keyboard, trumpet, flugelhorn, drums, and banjo. We do mostly alt rock stuff but he used to front a celtic punk act.
Cool - what drums do you play? I've got my eyes on an electronic drum kit - either yamaha DTX or the Alesis DD5-pro (?). Wish i could get a real one but the next door neighbours wouldn't appreciate it... As for myself, i'm a classically trained pianist but also play Guitar, bass and drums. Most of the work i do nowaday is production work - so programming on Cubase, Ableton and Sony Vegas (occasionally pro tools but until 9 was released this week i wasn't going to pay for a programme that was locked in to AVID hardware and that you had to pay $500 just to export mp3's!). I've worked with some big artists and some small artists. A track i did recently with Stephen Mallinder (from Cabaret Voltaire) and Billie Ray Martin (Electribe 101 and S-express) is going to be the lead story in the next edition of "art design cafe" and they did a lengthy interview with us last week. Although i'm producing now i do really miss just sitting down with friends and few beers and just having a fun jam - i'm the wrong end of the glass screen really.
I play flute, rhythm guitar, and I'm pretty decent at vocals too. Oh, and I'm the master at the recorder, the wood block, and the triangle XD. I've tried my hand at writing songs, but for lack of inspiration, they all suck. Either that or they sound like cheesy Taylor Swift knock-offs. I'll stick to covers, thank you.
I've written some lyrics in the past, and I write lyrics every now and again but sadly not any accompanying music. I don't play an instrument anymore, but I do sometimes get my harmonica out and play a little tune.. and I sing when no one can hear me.
I am (fairly) good at lyric-writing, though the opinion might differ from person to person. A vocalist primarily with a very, ahem, elastic range. I've been a first soprano in the choir, but I'm also obsessed with singing(and proudly too ) Taylor Swift's songs(yup, another crazy teen). I play the Sitar and keyboard/piano very well. Play some tabla, guitar, drums and little of flute too. However most of these are now a rarity since I broke my hand last year. As for my songs. I write "haunting" melodies, or so I'm told. I have a few chirpy ones too. But nothing "polished" as you might call it.
Hello - yes. I play guitar mostly, bass and keyboards/piano. Have written songs about half my life, since I was 13/14, and went Beatles-crazy...
I fancied the idea of learning to play an instrument, I even brought a guitar and unfortunatly it has sat in the corner of my room for the past couple of years. I'll get around to learning to play it one of these years.
I started majoring in music theory and composition before I decided I wanted to be a dentist (Big change!). I love writing music, even though I chose a different career. I play the piano and sing, but I also love writing lyrics. Music is just awesome. Lol.