I wish to apologise to those offended. Particularly Torana and ILTBY I was merely confused, acted like a child and only wanted to state my opinion. I really am sorry and not sure what else to say. Raven chatted to me on MSN to explain why the Chatbox was deleted etc the night I posted my remarks. He explained why the chatbox was changed and then I knew and was fine, not that it was up to me! Really. I was over it in like, a couple of minutes. Again, If anyone wishes to discuss this further with me, please email me or add me to MSN. Again, I apologise to everyone affected by my comments and hope that this allcan be worked out peacefully. I honestly don't know what to say other than that. I urge everyone to check themselves before posting their reaction. Or at least contact our friendly Moderator team or Daniel, our Forum Admin instead of doing what I did and post outright. Again, I am sorry for any harmful words. ~Kandie, otherwise known as Dropbear_oz
Can't speak for anyone else but I accept your apology. We all make mistakes but if we learn from them that is good. luv and hugs
Apology acknowledged. And with no personal rancor, I have to say that the decision to impose a ban was not lightly considered. It wasn't a single outburst, but more of a growing pattern of disrespectful comments, some of them phrased to appear harmless out of context to most. It's a behavior that must cease altogether when the ban is llfted again. It really has no place here, and you are senior enough to know that. I do thank you for your apology, and I hope you truly mean it. Peace, Dave
And with no personal rancor, I have to say that the decision to impose a ban was not lightly considered. It wasn't a single outburst, but more of a growing pattern of disrespectful comments, some of them phrased to appear harmless out of context to most. Fair enough. I didn't realise that I had a growing number of disrespectful comments. I am sorry for that. If anyone has a problem with me, I wopuld of hoped that they had come to me and told me this so I can not do it again and apologise.
Thank you DOZ and my apologies for things turning out the way they had. I had the situation blown out of proportion and I was the one at fault. I do apologise. Regards, Torana
Thanks. I am pretty much shocked that this got like this. I mean, honestly? I expected an infraction and a temp ban. I wouldn't be surprised. But a perm ban shocked me. Nonetheless, if I had imagined that this would happen in the extreme and if anyone offended by my posts had let me know I am sure this wouldn't of happened. Well, not to this extreme. Again, I apologise.
Thanks for the apology Doz, it takes a lot to stand up and admit when you got something wrong. Tis a shame the whole thing went so far really but I am glad it has gotten sorted out now. I would like to thank Raven btw, for being so great and sorting this all out into the early hours of the morning. Thanks love. Heather
Probably Ferret, just a bit of missunderstanding, some harsh words and nothing that isn't sorted out now.
I'd stay out of it, Ferret. For the sake of your own sanity, and to avoid dragging resolved issues back out.
Because of Forum rules Dropbear_OZ has been issued with a 7 day ban from the forum. (This is not perminant.) However its felt a kooling off period is needed here. I feel Cogito has taken some agression towards him which is unjustified. DoZ will be welcomed back but we have rules and they are in place for a reason. I know theres a lot of opinions in this but I just think time out is needed for all parties. I'm sorry its come to this but as a team of moderators this has been discussed in length.
rules are rules and must be followed. every mother understands this and every child knows this. follow rules or pay the consequences. now let's move on.
Don't think anything else can be said, the post is here if people want to read it and interpret how they see fit. Your apology has been acknowledged and considered by the mod team.