Bah, it downloaded over Wi-Fi from my phone then gave me an error. Now I have to update via iTunes and it says 12 hours remaining... Doh.
Pues, a mi me gusta mucho la Mansana. The esthetic changes are nice enough. The shrink/expand from and to the corner is clever enough. It reminds me vaguely of the animated portion of HGTTG. Don't ask me why, just does. But that's just esthetics. I'm not one to be sold on that. Need to play with it more to see what else it does new.
What is "la Mansana?" My daughter loves Apple. I got her a MacBook Pro for graduation, and I'm sure he has iOS7 by now, or has at least attempted to download it. She's pining for the gold and white 5S.
Ah. See, if I knew Spanish better I would have realized that. It's just one letter off. I thought that's what it might be from context, of course, but my search for la Masana came up with nothing in one search engine, and "block" in another.
I'm not touching that update with a ten foot pole until I hear that everything works on it. Never making that mistake again. Make sure you update all your apps, as most of them won't work.
I have nothing more complicated than a flip phone. It can't even take pictures. (Not that I mind that much, though, ahaha.)
Just installed it last night, but got the download during the day. I needed 50% or higher battery but it could've done it on 25%. Utter Micky take.
Has anyone noticed the way the background moves behind the icons when you tip the phone one way and another to simulate a 3D hover?
I downloaded it and I like it better than the old one. The previous software was kinda boring, this one is more alive.
Good thing I'm not subject to motion sickness. I believe I'll watch for and avoid pale green users holding iPads..
Just ran across this article which gives some good advice about how to 'fix' certain aspects ...including the motion sickness...