Here's an odd request. I'm looking for some free but decent architectural software for layouts of buildings, areas, etc. so I keep things consistent. Anyone know of any for a person who doesn't know architecture? Should be easy to learn, not a resource hog (obviously), and can export to an image file: GIF, JPEG, whatever.
If you need free, 2D CAD software, try DraftSight:
Try Google SketchUp I use it for other things and I love the rich library. If you want to use it to put some stuff in a room like tables and chairs, you will probably be able to download them directly from the library. Houses are also available so you can adjust them and play around.
Thanks or the suggestions guys. I'm gonna try these out. I hadn't thought of that to be honest. But then I thought I didn't really want to sign up to a site just to ask that question and then never show up again. But then I thought as well...I might actually need help working on this stuff. So I might still sign up. Nah, just a floor plan. I'm not that good. Actually, now that I'm on the topic, do any of these--DraftSight, Sketch Up, etc.--have options for larger-scale maps too? Something that looks like a Tolkien-type map but for urban or futuristic settings? I'm guessing no, but who knows?
Do a search for Dreamplan Home Design and Roomeon. They are both supposedly freeware plan and layout designers. I haven't acuatually used them, so I can't vouch for how effective they are.
i'm sure you'll find that architects, as well as other professionals, are generally happy to share inside info about their field of work... and you'll get lots of good ideas/info/anecdotes you may find useful to include in your story...