Recently I've been getting an increased number of email notifications about database "going away"/timing out, as well as being unable to connect (and seeing this error) when loading the site, or just having the site load unusually slow. How many of you are experiencing this as well? Errors or slow loading time? How often? Do you think it a major issue? I ask because it's hard to gauge how much this is affecting everyone trying to access the site and to determine what should be done about it. If this is a major issue we're going to have to upgrade our server and/or at least our server's memory ASAP (which financially isn't possible currently). I haven't gotten any reports here, via PM, or via email, so I hope this issue is less widespread than it appears to me personally. I'd like to gauge the severity of the issue and plan accordingly.
It happens to me once in a while, I'd say 3 or 4 times per week. I think that upgrading would be a good thing to do eventually, but right now, the problems are (for me at least) bareable.
I've had database errors over the last two days, but thought it might of just been me as my computer seems to run slow at times. They have mostly been in the evening hours. I had two today. One at around 5:00 that lasted for around five minutes and one around 9:40, it lasted about ten minutes. I'm also in the Eastern Standard Time. When I can access the site after those few minutes, it still looks like nothing happened to everyone else. Sometimes there are posts that went up during the time I couldn't be on. Hope this helps you a bit.
I also have over the last few days have had trouble connecting and and database errors. *Edit: Just as I posted this my computer froze and I had to unplug it from the wall. This kind of thing will keep people from coming back here if it happens too often.
I've had 2 or 3 database errors over the past few days, and the site has been slow at times. However, as of right now, it's not that bad.
Like Nee, after I posted my message above I had a Database error that lasted 26 minutes... It is very frequent for me, but has only started happening this week.
Sometimes it's slow to load. Only had one, "cannot connect" and it happened to be tonight, couple hours ago.
WTF was that? Whoa! I got some bizarre forum skin with all the threads locked and then some bizarre forum with weird avatars that looked like an ad attack.
Usually forum CMS's have some sort of database cleanup script, I am sure you have already tried that Daniel, but it never hurts to check
Slow to load sometimes for me too, over the past week or so. I usually just go away and try again a few minutes later. Usually it comes back on the second try. I assumed it was my computer, for some reason - using Mac OSX 10.5.8 (Leopard with updates.) Browser is Firefox 11.0.
Yeah, I got those. And seems like every other time, after posting I get the top part of the screen over lapping the bottom part and I have to click refresh, or leave to get out of it. I've only have to shut it down at the power strip twice...but I really don't like doing that.
Yup, Daniel. All this past week. Daily. P.S. The other night I had walked away from the 'puter for a couple of minutes and when I came back and hit refresh, 1) it took forever, 2) I was only one of five members (not visitors) 'on-line'. There had been a two or three dozen just before I walked away from the screen, so clearly everyone got booted.
Thank you all for the feedback. I believe I found the primary cause of this issue. I think I've fixed it. If you noticed a change - faster loading times, no errors - let me know. There were two instances in the two days where we had to restart the server and when we upgraded to the latest version of MySQL. This might account for those longer times, but 35 minutes seems much longer. Let me know if it happens again. Okay, I certainly haven't experienced this so I'm not sure what you're talking about. This is concerning though, especially that bit about the power strip. How often is this happening? If this happens again, would you be so kind as to take a screenshot for me? If I can see what you're seeing I can fix it, but without seeing it myself I can't do much. We have done that, thanks for the suggestion though! The search function does seem to be resource intensive and slow down the site. On a somewhat related issue, I did update the search index and I think we're getting better search results than before.
The weird thing with the different forum skin and locked threads only happened once. It still said this forum, the skin was green and the subforums were the correct names. I got the page when opening a tab, not clicking on a link so I was on this forum. I closed the tab, left another tab to the forum on the bar but stayed away from all of it, not knowing if you'd had a virus or malware attack. Couple hours later I clicked on the tab I hadn't closed and everything was back to normal. And despite the threads all being locked, I clicked on something and got an open thread, but I can't recall what that was. Given the weird avatars, I ran away. They weren't porn or anything, but they were larger vertical rectangles, all with images of people, I only recall females but I didn't stay there long enough to say that for sure. The only thing it looked like to me was a malware attack. I assume you've scanned for such things? Is there a board history that might show such things? A Google searched turned up recent malware attacking web sites using "Apache". It's all Greek to me. And don't mind me if I'm off base, I'm paranoid about malware but not very knowledgeable about it.
@Daniel Might I also recommend the built-in profiler in Firefox? It's located webdeveloper -> webconsole and then in the screen below it's the profiler. I haven't tested extensively yet but, the running facebook plugin seemed to take up most of the time, so maybe cutting "fat" like that might help the site's performance without having to upgrade RAM.
Is it possible thaty ou were somehow viewing our original skin? I don't still have it installed, but if you used archive or if there happened to be a cached version somewhere, that might explain it. I only mention because you said greenish theme. Do you recall what tab/on-site link you clicked?